Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Layout design for "Hiccup" @ Part 2!!!

hey,is me AGAIN~ XD
erm....actually not part 2 la, later you guys though of my progression so fast>.<
it's I revise my layout design that I post on the last post there...
I am very unsatisfy with the 3 layout i post last week... *ok la, i admit it's my "cincai" work la... So, now i replace with this 3 NEW layout here!!!!
pls have a look and left ur comment ya =)
the main page....* it's a book cover

loading page...

and the content page..
same concept...
i will be use comic and graphic to present my content...
so that wont so many word in my websites, kids will more easier to get the knowledge=)


  1. better than the 1st layout me think.. XD

  2. haha, i kinda like this one, cute !

    but the 3rd one, r u goin to make it as flash?

  3. Green light. and design appeal to be very interesting to kid.
    U will insist on the colour bar on ur man page?

  4. (King Mang): yea...i am going to make it as flash... already get the inform fro friends said that have the script for the book fliping=)

    (ms teng):erm...after i think twice..i think i better take out the color bar>.< if not will confuse the audience how cum the button is there but then kenot click..
